L'agence Belco en Ethiopie comptabilise déjà 10 années de sourcing actif sur le terrain. L'équipe se concentre sur les deux missions d'un sourcing bien fait : qualité et traçabilité. Une fois sourcé, un café doit être importé et nous assurons tout le suivi necéssaire. Toute l’année nous allons à la rencontre des caféiculteurs. Nous entamons un dialogue par lequel nous essayons de comprendre ce qui fait leur spécifité, le terroir, mais aussi de travailler à l’amélioration du produit. Nous pouvons ainsi vous offrir des cafés de qualité qui ont du sens et qui vous permettront de vous différencier.

Belco Ethiopia agency
Identity record
Addis-Abeba year of creation
2015 Effective

“Quality sourcing is possible only if we work together in the supply chain. In our experience, for an industry to generate business for artisan roasters and SMEs who care about quality, everyone’s interests must be protected. So it’s all about supporting our customers effectively from the outset.”
Forest Coffees® occupy a unique place.
Launched a few years ago with the active support of all our Belco teams and roasters, the concept has now matured and grown in solidity. Ethiopia has two great strengths, not found anywhere else: a rich environmental heritage and farming practices that have been perfected over time. The Forest Coffees® brand was our Ethiopia branch’s first major venture.
Our coffees begin their journey in Ethiopia’s highlands. The country boasts not only a vast reservoir of wild coffee varieties, but also the necessary environment, with its famous high-altitude forests. The coffee agroforestry systems as we know them emerged from this combination of plant heritage and local Ethiopian know-how. With the help of people on the ground, the coffee industry has made these forests productive, effectively ensuring the preservation of their heritage.
We are encouraging producers to continue down this path by educating them on active canopy management. For example, we have begun setting up nurseries to renew shade trees more efficiently. These projects are already in place in Goma and Gera, thanks to Mustafa Mohamed Ali and Khalid Shifa, as well as at the Tatmara farm in Kaffa. We are working to further develop this type of initiative and to give roasters a more active role.

Explore EthiopiaJimma / Kaffa
Our team on the ground
Sourcing Expert & Manager of Belco East Africa
Jacques, a trained geographer, is our Belco sourcing expert. Without his knowledge of Ethiopia and its geographical and geopolitical issues, and without his daily involvement with local producers, we wouldn’t be able to supply you with Ethiopia’s finest coffees. Exceptional cups showcasing the ancestral know-how of our coffee farmers.
Our quality team follows the growth of each coffee from tree to repotting in Addis Ababa, carrying out numerous controls. We also run training programmes to help our partner producers improve and master quality. We analyze, roast and cup all our samples.
Quality Manager, Q Grader

Quality Assistant

Field Coordinator
Agricultural Engineer
Our field team focuses on agronomy, monitors processes and manages projects.
We all oversee the harvest, visiting growers weekly during this period to develop a purchasing strategy in line with the realities on the ground.

Marketing & Export Coordinator
Our logistics department is responsible for ensuring the smooth operation of FOB deliveries. Our marketing team gathers information to better understand the coffees on offer and their production context.

Sourcer's word
"L'équipe Belco en Ethiopie s'est construite depuis dix ans autour de personnes passionnées et reconnues dans le monde du café. Tous, nous partageons un amour pour le produit et le pays qui a vu naitre cette plante magnifique, le coffea arabica. Toute notre expérience et nos compétences sont au service des artisans torréfacteurs souhaitant sourcer des cafés de qualité avec une traçabilité qui permet de comprendre l'environnement dans lequel sont produits des cafés de qualité. Il reste encore beaucoup de terroirs à découvrir et à valoriser en Ethiopie. Avec le soutien des artisans torréfacteurs, notre rôle est de les mettre en lumière."
Jacques Chambrillon, directeur de l'agence Belco Éthiopie
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